Monthly Mission for january:
Blanket the World with Love
Our January Mission of the Month is the Church World Service’s Blanket the World with Love Campaign.
As an Iowan, our thoughts go to a warm winter blanket this time of year, but CWS knows that needs are different from region to region.
The Church World Service (CWS) provides a variety of blankets, including fleece and wool blankets:
• Fleece blankets: Warm, durable, soft, and water repellant
• Wool blankets: Warm, durable, water-resistant, and flame-retardant
• Sturdy, comforting blankets: Available to children, men, and women in need
The CWS Blanket program aims to provide care, hope, and warmth during difficult times. A donation of $10 can provide a blanket to someone in need.
The Northeast Iowa Food Bank Needs You!
Twice a month we send crews to the Food Bank. See the weekly Good News for dates and times each month. If you are interested, please sign up on the clipboards at the Welcome Desk in the Gathering Space. If you can’t make it every month, that’s okay! Rides are available from the church to the food bank and if we are working in the refrigeration area you will be contacted in advance.
Every month we feature a different worthy cause to support with our attention and our dollars. Sometimes it is a local charitable project, sometimes national and sometimes global. We support our local food bank, Love INC of the Cedar Valley, Church World Service, House of Hope, Banyam Seminary in Nigeria, and other projects which bring relief, health, education, and the blessing of God’s word to those who need it most.
Most of our mission giving is un-budgeted - that is, it is over and above what it takes to operate the church. Still, for more than 25 years running, First UMC has been recognized as a “Third-Mile” giving congregation.
We recommend that you check our latest newsletter for the Mission of the Month and other current projects.
You may give to mission projects by dropping your contribution into the Sunday offering plate, or coming in to the church office during business hours. You may also give to mission projects through the Venmo and Shazam Bolt$ mobile apps, by sending your gift to