Find Yourself

You have a place in the great story of God’s creation.  We will help you find it – here’s how:

Visit our worship services: 

We worship Sunday mornings at 8:30, 9:15 & 11:15, and Wednesday nights at 6:00.  While the formats differ from one service to another, all include times of prayer, praise, and learning.  (services are streamed on Facebook Live, YouTube and here on our website)

Coffee with pastors:

If you’re new to First UMC, consider having an informal chat with our pastors.  They would love to learn who you are, and how we can help you move forward in faith.  Newcomers’ Coffee With The Pastors is April 11th at 9:30 am. Email us for details.

Disciple’s Path:

Is a six-week class for those who wish to join First UMC, or those who are curious to learn more about what it means to be a United Methodist and a member of our church.  Classes are held spring and fall.  (suspended due to pandemic)

GPS Groups:

GPS = Gather, Pray, Support.  These small groups gather for the purpose of developing closer relationships with others in our church family.  They use discussions of the previous Sunday’s teaching as a way to share perspectives and get to know each other.  As you consider how these lessons intersect with your own life, you’ll start to see your place in God’s story.

Small groups:

Small groups exist for Bible study, outreach work, and internal church management. It is in trusting fellowship with others that we build the bonds of friendship which become the backbone of our family of faith. 

Sunday School:

10:00 Sunday mornings we have age-appropriate classes for everyone, pre-K through seniors.  Adult classes study Biblical principles, and apply them to the issues facing us in today’s culture. 

Missional groups:

Our mission team works to spread love around our neighborhood, our community, and the world.  Working together to assist others in need is a great bonding and sharing experience – there’s a place and a project for everyone.  Join our Food Bank work crew.  Quilters make and distribute quilts to adoptive kids, the newly baptized, and those among us who can use a little warmth. 

Participation & Leadership:

Sing in the choir, play in the band, drive the bus, run the worship tech, greet, usher . . . there are a bunch of ways to jump into an active role on Sunday morning.  What better place to find yourself, than in assisting others in their worship? 

Learning & Empowerment:

Opportunities for further enrichment and encouragement exist beyond the walls of our church.  The Walk to Emmaus is a three-day retreat to re-focus on living the Christian life.  It is intended to re-ignite your passion for Jesus and your home church.  The School for Lay Ministry is a program of the Iowa United Methodist Church.  Four weekends a year for three years, it’s a big commitment, but it covers all aspects of our beliefs, history, operations and the purpose of our church.  If you’re ready to step forward and see your life and a ministry, this might be for you.