A Disciple's Path

& new member class

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A Disciple’s Path  & new member class
The early Methodist ministers were itinerant travelers.  They followed an actual path on horseback, to visit, encourage and teach small groups of believers, who often met in each other’s homes.   

And today, a piece of our Methodist understanding is that we’re ALL ministers in one way or another – we’re charged with sharing the Good News of the Gospel with those whose paths cross ours.  

Times have changed since those early days, and our paths all look different – maybe your path is chasing your kids through the busyness of life, maybe your path is the hallway of your retirement community, maybe your path is the doorway you walk through to get to work, and maybe your path is the one you ride your bike on to unwind.  

Regardless of what your path looks like, there are certain waypoints that we all have to hit as we pursue our purpose as ministers of the Gospel, they are: our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness.  These waypoints aren’t just ways to support our church, they’re the ways we put our discipleship into action.  These waypoints are what show us to actually be on A Disciple’s Path, and what define us as United Methodists.

A Disciple’s Path is a six-week curriculum based on the book by James Harnish. It is a practical and spiritual look at these essential waypoints, and is a good place to start if you’re new to our church.

To learn more, or to sign up for the class, see Pastor Matt. matt.german@aboutfirst.com.